Wednesday, June 18, 2014

USGA Women's Open Reunion of Champions

On Wednesday, June 17 Pine Needles had the pleasure of hosting the USGA Women's Open Reunion of Champions. The ladies started their day with a round of golf on the Pine Needles course, and finished at a luncheon with Peggy Kirk Bell. It was a fun day filled with laughs, reminiscing, and heartfelt moments as the women spoke about their experiences on tour and as members of the LPGA.

Women Champions included: Alison Nicholas, Liselotte Neumann, Jane Geddes, Pat Bradley, Susie Berning, Carol Mann, Hilary Lunke, Lauri Merten, and Catherine LaCoste.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Extra! Extra! Read all about it: Peggy Kirk Bell in the news

It is only appropriate that Peggy Kirk Bell has a full page spread in today's copy of the The Open Daily (provided by The Pilot). Today marks the beginning of the U.S. Open Women's practice rounds at Pinehurst #2. Grab a copy of The Open Daily to learn how Mrs. Bell became a golf instructor and business woman. The full story is below. 

Peggy Kirk Bell

By: Lee Pace, The Pilot

Peggy Kirk Bell had never given a golf lesson in her life when her husband, Bullet, approached her one day in 1954. He pointed to a woman who had come into the golf shop of the Pine Needles club in Southern Pines and said, “That woman wants to learn to play golf. Go teach her.”
At the time, Pine Needles’ clientele was nearly 100 percent men, and seeing a woman wanting to learn the game took Bullet by surprise.
“I don’t know what to tell her,” Peggy said.
“You know more golf than she does,” Bullet said. “Tell her anything.”
So there Peggy went. And it was a disaster.
“I told her everything I knew,” Peggy remembers. “We were out there for two or three hours. She’d hit it bad and I’d say, ‘Try this.’ Another bad shot. ‘Try this.’ I was going crazy trying to get her to hit it like I could.”
Finally, the poor woman said, “Can we quit? I’m dead.”
Peggy laughs at the memory. “I often wonder about that poor woman,” she says. “I’m sure she quit golf then and there.”
Fortunately for Mrs. Bell and her family, she soon got the hang of teaching golf. The small resort business that the Bells had begun operating in 1953 after getting married soon grew into a bastion of golf instruction. Peggy became respected as one of the top teachers in the game, adding to her earlier accomplishment as a founding member of the LPGA Tour. The Bells eventually bought and expanded Pine Needles and later added Mid Pines to the resort operation. The vintage Donald Ross-designed course at Pine Needles has been the site of three U.S. Women’s Opens (1996, 2001 and 2007). Mid Pines has hosted USGA championships for senior women and girls juniors.
Pine Needles and Mid Pines were — and remain — a family affair, with Peggy and Bullet running it for many years. Now their children and their spouses in charge.
“It’s great we’ve kept it in the family for so many years,” says Mrs. Bell, who, at 92, is still a regular fixture around the resort. Warren “Bullet” Bell died in 1984 — ironically, just a month after paying off the last note on the property and getting out of the debt he so abhorred.
“In so many family businesses, the kids have no interest in taking over,” says Peggy. “But golf is something you never get tired of. All Bullet and I ever wanted to do was own a golf course. But then we learned we had to get into the hotel business. It’s a different challenge every day. But the kids seem to love it and they’ve done so well with it.”
On a recent day in May, Pine Needles was hosting one of its signature “Golfari” events —weeklong “safaris” into the world of golf for ladies only. The club uses its full-time staff of instructors, including former PGA Tour player Pat McGowan, and Mrs. Bell is on the lesson tee most every morning at 9.
She watches from a golf cart about 15 feet behind golfers, then has them come sit with her and she offers some thoughts and ideas. She keeps a black Sharpie pen handy and draws on their gloves, indicating pressure points in the fingers and lines they should see on the top of the left hand at address. At any given noon hour at Pine Needles, she’s likely to be gripping a knife or a fork like a golf club and ruminating about the evils of poor pressure and position.
“She’s very productive, very viable still,” says McGowan, one of two sons-in-law of Mrs. Bell active in the daily operation of the resort. “People love to see her. She still preaches the same fundamentals she did back in the beginning: grip, posture, alignment. The basic fundamentals still work. If we get those three things right, odds are you’ll hit the ball much more consistently.
“Name another golfer who was one of the best players of his or her era and became a great teacher,” McGowan muses. “It’s a short list. I can’t think of anyone who rivals her. She has to be by far the best known woman instructor of all time. She was not the best player of her era, but she was very good and won a tournament considered a ‘major’ at the time.”
Peggy shrugs off the notion she’s done anything special.

“All I’ve done is play a wonderful game. Everything I have in life has been through golf. It’s been a joy and a blessing.”

Thursday, June 12, 2014

U.S. Open {Wednesday, June 11, 2014}

Yesterday was a great day to be at the U.S. Open Practice Rounds. We had the chance to see some amazing players, gearing up for the big weekend. Pine Needles and Mid Pines would like to wish all of the players the best of luck as they begin their first day at the 2014 U.S. Open!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pine Needle's & Mid Pine's Top 10 Best Bet's for the 2014 U.S. Open's

There are a ton of things going on throughout Pinehurst and Southern Pines for the next two weeks, and we want to share some of our favorite events and ideas with you. Below are our Top 10 best bets for U.S. Open Week in the Sandhills.

1. Check out the Village of Pinehurst's newest cigar and wine bar, Vine In The Ash. This store is stocked with distinct fine wines, and some of the best cigars on the market. The store is brand new and definitely a must see while walking around the Village. Whether you're bringing home gifts for your loved ones or just in need to kick back and relax, Vine In The Ash is the place for you.

Photo Courtesy of Vine in the Ash

2. Stop by Pine Needle's and try our beloved Bell Burger. If burgers aren't your thing, no big deal! We have a speciality menu for the next two weeks with lots of old favorites and new goodies. The hardest decision will be what to choose!

3. Walking around the village all night? Better take a selfie first. Enter the "Donald Ross Selfie Contest" provided by the Village of Pinehurst. Donald is all over the village so you'll have lots of opportunities for the perfect picture. The winner will receive two commemorative U.S. Open posters.  FUN FACT: Donald Ross designed both Pine Needle's and Mid Pine's, his hickory shaft drivers are on display in the Mid Pines Pro Shop.

Photo Courtesy of The Fayetteville Observer

4. If you're looking to do some shopping while you're here we have two great options for you. Lyme of Southern Pines will be hosting a C Wonder trunk show starting at 4:00pm on Wednesday, and will run until 4:00pm on Thursday. Their store is filled with some of the best designers on the market, and they carry women and men's apparel and accessories.

Photo Courtesy of Lyme of Southern Pines

5. Our second must see shopping option of the week is right here at Pine Needles! Duck Head Apparel is here showcasing some of their favorite looks right outside our doors. They've got some great stuff with them. (If you haven't picked out Father's Day gifts for Sunday, nows a good time to stop by.)
Photo Courtesy of Pine Needle's

6. The U.S. Open Block Party will be held at the Pinecrest Inn for the next two weeks. They will be providing entertainment every night in the lounge off the main bar. The fun continues outside in the tents where you can purchase draft beer and a good meal.

7. If you're interested in playing a round of golf look no further! Pine Needle's and Mid Pine's are the places to be. Pine Needle's is home of the 1996, 2001, and 2007 U.S. Women's Opens and Mid Pine's was named "Best U.S. Restoration of 2013". Come be a part of history and make your tee time now: Pine Needle's and Mid Pine's Tee Times

Photo Courtesy of Pine Needle's

8. Free Outdoor concerts? Yes please! The Sunrise Theatre in Southern Pines will present Southern Pines Wide Open equipped with beach music and drinks this Wednesday, June 11th. The Embers featuring Craig Woolard will be playing from 6:00pm-9:30pm. Next Wednesday, June 18th The Band of Oz will be playing at the same time and place.

9. Mid Pines Sunday Brunch is revamped and better than ever, stop by and try a variety of options sure to attract every pallet. Some of our favorites include: oysters, crab legs, prime rib, and fried chicken..yum!

 Photo Courtesy of Mid Pine's

10. The U.S. Open Experience: whether you're local or visiting, seeing the town of Pinehurst transform into the USGA's playground is an experience unlike any other. Get to the village to enjoy the ambiance and chaos of Pinehurst's nightlife.

Please share your pictures and favorite moments with us on our Facebook and Twitter accounts! Have a great time at the 2014 U.S. Open's.